Jonathan Lam Core Developer @ Hudson River Trading
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My bookmarks list has become a graveyard for things I want to revisit but haven't found the time to. Here is the list of bookmarks from the four computers I use. This is a window to my thoughts over the past two years.
What I wish I knew when learning Haskell How do you use TypeApplications in Haskell? I've tried to learn Haskell several times. But keep failing. Typeracer quote: "It's a good idea to tell the person ..." Besides as-pattern, what else can @ mean in Haskell? RustBelt publications Carp language: A statically typed lisp, without a GC, for real-time applications. What's the difference between the Actor Model of Concurrency and Communicating Sequential Processes Unbounded nondeterminism Exporting highlighted source code to pdf in Org-Mode 8 ways to report errors in Haskell revisited Un-obscuring a few GHC type error messages Haskell vs OCaml I want to work on tables using elisp 15-819 Computational Type Theory Principles of Programming Group -- Carnegie Mellon University Algebraic data types: things I wish someone had explained about functional programming ML (programming language) What is the difference between traits in Rust and typeclasses in Haskell? emacs-doom-themes: An opinionated pack of modern color-themes A Package in a league of its own: Helm helm: Emacs incremental completion and selection narrowing framework swiper: Ivy - a generic completion frontend for Emacs, Swiper - isearch with an overview, and more. Oh, man! Value semantics and pure functions: referential transparency for Swift Value Semantics vs. Reference Semantics When is it appropriate to use an associated type versus a generic type? Marijn Haverbeke: JavaScript Compilation Techniques or "Wasn't JavaScript supposed to be slow?" Douglas Crockford: The JavaScript Programming Language The Rustonomicon Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software Existential type What is an existential type? Difference between returning dyn Box and impl Trait My entire Emacs config for Rust, in fewer than 20 lines of Elisp What exactly is Intentional Programming Whatever happened to Intentional Software of Simonyi? The promise and peril of 'intentional software' - Technology & Media - International Herald Tribune When I Wrote It, Only God and I Knew the Meaning; Now God Alone Knows -- Quote Investigator Only God Knows -- Imgur What is the best comment in source code you have ever encountered? The .io Error – Taking Control of All .io Domains With a Targeted Registration emacs-haskell-tutorial: Tutorial on setting up Emacs to do Haskell programming Haskell doesn't have macros Control.Lens.Tutorial CIS 194: Introduction to Haskell Diagnostic output in Haskell Haskell replace characters in string CutefishOS JSDoc Diff Algorithm FastFactorialFunctions Fingermaps Empty arrays seem to equal true and false at the same time Hindley–Milner type system What part of Hindley-Milner do you not understand? Stanford Programming Languages Qualifying Exam Syllabus Demystifying the American Graduate Admissions Process What are the actual runtime performance costs of dynamic dispatch? Trampoline (computing) Continuations by example: Exceptions, time-traveling search, generators, threads, and coroutines USB Descriptor and Request Parser Introduction to GNU MP JPEG (Transform Compression) Chromium OS Developer Guide Bran's Kernel Development Bash Shortcuts Where to put ansible-vault password How to implement ngModel on custom elements? Writing udev rules Upstart calling script (for inserted USB-drive) Xorg device disabled with 'Option "Ignore" "true"' still enabled by udev+Xorg. How to fix ? sockets/unix_sockets.c The Linux Programming Interface GNU Lesser General Public License GEOM Tutorial How to Debug Using GDB 5.7.1 How the MAKE Variable Works 7.2 Syntax of Conditionals usb/hid: The HID Simple Driver Patches 0.4.0 (all-in-one) Linux: xvkbd tutorial .Xmodmap file makes xorg temporarily reach high cpu usage (90%-100%) after resume or when coming back from tty to X session Global Hotkey with X11/Xlib Scala Exercises Cons and Car in Go -- Go playground NASM - The Netwide Assembler Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Days Racket Docs PDFs Software optimization resources text-mode -- akku Why I Program In Erlang libevdev Documentation GLib 2.0 Documentation Linux notes (especially FHS) Filesystem Hierarchy Standard How to write a Scheme interpreter Google Interview Questions Deconstructed: The Knight’s Dialer Scheme vs. Python os-tutorial: How to create an OS from scratch What are the latest research papers on operating systems? Heterogeneous computing Beginner’s guide to IRC RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags Have the tables turned on NoSQL? Shooting yourself in the foot in various programming languages Cellular Automata -- Nature of Code Cellular Automata Algorithms Cellular Automata GeneratePresignedURLv2 Introduction to Computational Geometry Creating and deploying an Lambda function ICPC East Division Contest MuZero A Gentle Introduction to Haskell Version 98 What is a monad? Algorithm W What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic Competitive Programming The Top 3D JavaScript Libraries For Web Designers CAP Theorem Confused deputy problem Rust by Example rustlings: Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code! The Rust Programming Language Deploying VueJS to GitHub Pages Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! Learn Common Lisp in Y minutes Practical Common Lisp Common LISP: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation Google Python Style Guide Effective JavaScript Want Speed? Pass by Value. How does Common Lisp compare to C, C++, Java and Haskell (performance-wise, not developer time)? Paredit Reference Card Can I use Common Lisp for SICP or is Scheme the only option? With emacs, how to go to the pairing (balancing) parentheses Geiser cheat sheet Advanced EMACS Chez Scheme vs. SBCL: a comparison Lisping at JPL Technical Issues of Separation in Function Cells and Value Cells IBM Plex What is the difference between Lisp-1 and Lisp-2? Shiro Kawai The Lambda Calculus Why is the text font-face setting killed/copied along with the text? Vim registers: The basics and beyond What's the best VIM macro you ever made? Is VIM really more efficient than other editors? Org Mode eduOS Literate programming Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours How do I write a scheme macro that defines a variable and also gets the name of that variable as a string? Liskov substitution principle Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles OEIS: A001951 OEIS: A006337 How to evaluate this sum (Beatty series) 24.3 Tabs vs. Spaces A critique of Abelson and Sussman -or- Why calculating is better than Scheming HOUSE -- Haskell User's Operating System and Environment Adding Support for User-defined Classes in Python org mode is awesome Making Our Own Types and Typeclasses Writing an OS in Rust alt.os.development OSDev wiki Roll your own toy UNIX-clone OS The diamond problem: multiple inheritance Why is the diamond case with its common ancestor used to explain Java multiple inheritance issue, instead of two unrelated parent classes? Ask r/Haskell: I'm in love with Scheme (Racket), will I find a smooth transition into Haskell? Seeking feedback on a 'Lisp in C' tutorial series A Lisp interpreter in C, part 1: symbols 6.8.2 Syntax-rules Macros The Genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes E-Maxx Algorithms in English How many syntactic forms does Haskell have? Introduction to Haskell Paul Graham Essays Idioms are oblivious, arrows are meticulous, monads are promiscuous Math Review for the GRE The V Distributed System How cats get drunk in Dwarf Fortress, and why its creators haven't figured out time travel (yet) 700,000 lines of code, 20 years, and one developer: How Dwarf Fortress is built Continuation-passing style POPL 2021 An Overview to Polyhedral Model dollar sign in Haskell The reasonable effectiveness of the continuation monad gradguide: A guide on STEM PhD admissions Implementation Strategies for First-Class Continuations Ordering multiple continuations on the stack Intermediate and return values in continuation-passing style Hollywood Principle Boy This Stuff Makes Me Feel Stupid What are the advantages of Promises over CPS and the Continuation Functor/Monad? Futures and Segmented Stacks CONS Should Not CONS Its Arguments, Part II: Cheney on the M.T.A. The Pain Of Real Linear Types in Rust Program Analysis Region-based memory management Crate crossbeam MQTT: The Standard for IoT Messaging Managing software complexity through intent-based programming Intentional Software A personal manifesto, wherein the author describes the state of affairs amongst academics, invokes the Imposter Syndrome, states his new career direction, and assesses its strengths and weaknesses kfogel 8,000 lines .emacs Producing Open Source Software The Natural Number Game, version 1.3.3 lean4: Lean 4 programming language and theorem prover Bone 0.1: Lisp without Garbage Collection Haskell readLn no parse error Subqueries with Beam Agda vs. Coq vs. Idris How to get a busy person to respond to your email How to send and reply to email Reading for graduate students A thesis proposal is a contract HOWTO: Get into grad school for science, engineering, math and computer science sachac 9,000 line .emacs linear-base: Standard library for linear types in Haskell. stb single-file public domain libraries for C/C++ Footnotes © Copyright 2025 Jonathan Lam