This my (Jonathan Lam's) final project for my grade 8 period 7 class at HKMS.
For my project, I created a series of simple math widgets, or small programs, that I named PrograMath. Unfortunately, I was not given much time to complete these, so they do not have full functionality and have many bugs.
This project is very related to STEM- it involves the use of computer sciences, technology, software engineering, and mathematics.
The widgets are demoed here, and the code examples and explanation (as well as most of my presentation) are here. My project documentation is here The quiz is here.
What I learned from this project: How to use some more of the JavaScript language (regular expressions and canvas, some errors I have not seen and how to fix them, and more about the use and importance of the programming languages.
What you can learn from this project: The basics of (text-based web) programming: some common languages and their purposes, and some examples of simple programs.
For programmers: This code is open for anybody to look and copy for personal use.